Plumlee Knives
Our story
In May of 2019 I started my knife making journey. Seeing the tv show Forged In Fire, I became intrigued of the crafting of metal with fire and a hammer. With only the internet as a teacher on how to get started I built my own home forge and recycled metal to start out.
After a year, I saw a casting call for a the show that peaked my interest in knife making. I sent in an application and was surprised when I received a reply back. After a few interviews and questionnaires I got an email telling me I was accepted onto the show. If you want to watch it, look for season 8, episode 38 of Forged In Fire.
Since the show I have been further my knowledge in the craft and trying different techniques to develop my own style. I love kitchen cutlery and has become a staple for my business, although I do branch out from time to time with different knives as well.